Kristine's Kaleidoscope

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Leopard Printed Duster

Leopard Duster | Wine Colored Top

Button Front Skirt Here & Here

Wine Colored Hat Here & Here

Black Booties Here & Here

Today felt like an especially long Monday, I'm so glad it's over with🙌🏼 Aria and I decided to do a last minute trip to Mexico City over the weekend and got back late last night so I was exhausted and didn't want to get up this morning! We had a great time in Mexico City, my only complaints are that we weren't there long enough and there's soo many people- the population is like 20 million! Stay tuned for my travel guide which I'll have up in a couple of weeks! 

I shared this look on Instagram about a week ago and received so many compliments! I absolutely love this duster from Gozon and my favorite part are the elbow patches! I tend to be very picky on leopard prints, since sometimes I feel like it can look too gaudy/cheap, but the print on this duster is perfect. It's also great quality and less than $40! Gozon has so many great items at fair prices so please go check them out! 

How are y'all liking the time change? It gets dark soo early, so I'm not sure how I feel about that🤔 We'll see as the month goes on! I hope y'all have a great week!